God's Marshmallow Test

When I learned I was metastatic (my cancer was active and had spread throughout my bones), life stopped. Just like the children had to sit and look at that marshmallow, I had to put everything on hold and stare down my cancer again.


2/23/20232 min read

This term of school I was taking a Quantitative & Problem-Solving Math class (Yes, I went back to college). The final assignment was to write a journal entry on ‘Gut vs. Brain’. It correlated to what I was studying in my Bible in Revelations.

“But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth?” Revelations 3:16

For Christians, delayed gratification is the name of the game.

Let’s face it. We forgo the pleasures of sin and self-seeking in this world to reap the bountiful rewards of an eternity with our Lord. God is right there with us comforting us and helping us along the way. God manifests Himself to us (John 14:21) by speaking to us through His still small voice, illuminating scripture to our understanding, and leading and guiding us. When we are in His Word daily, we can begin to understand His love for us.

“What happens when God is silent?” When we can’t hear Him. When we can’t feel He hears our prayers. When we think He has left us. When we are feeling lost? Satan jumps right in and starts chipping away at us. Telling us he has us. Is it sin or temptation? Is it anger or self-pity? Whatever the case, Satan can make us feel like those kids with marshmallows. One now or two later. It’s up to us. This is my daily ‘marshmallow test’.

Watch the original marshmallow test here.

Own “Marshmallow Test”

For the past 4 years, I have been dealing with breast cancer. From the moment you hear the words you’ve got cancer,’ you start thinking about the end. But what about the sweet, soft middle? It’s the middle that fluffs and fills it up. It’s the sweet part of life that gives us joy. I’ve prayed for peace, healing, and understanding, When I learned I was metastatic (my cancer was active and had spread throughout my bones), life stopped. Just like the children had to sit and look at that marshmallow, I had to put everything on hold and stare down my cancer again.

Life was in slow motion but at the speed of light all at the same time. Did I do something wrong? Why wasn’t He answering my prayers of healing? Was He mad at me? Then I realized I had to get closer to Him. Like the kids that took just a pinch of the marshmallow, but they didn’t eat it! I was doing just a little.