Not Every Warrior Wants to Wear Pink

Just a word of advice, when you are going through any type of cancer treatment the last thing you want is a reminder of what you are fighting.


Jeniffer Ward

9/7/20183 min read

As I sit here and write this I am waiting for my infusion. It’s quiet, as usual, in the waiting area. Then again, it’s early in the morning. I like it slower and quieter. When there are lots of people and, it’s full, it makes you sit and think “How did we all get to this place?”,

I feel more powerful in turquoise and orange.

This was me in September 2018.

I was dressed and ready to go into the salon. I was nearing the end of round 4 and felt like a person.

I have triple-positive HER2 breast cancer. After being diagnosed in May of this year, my life did a 180. My life had a HUGE comma injected into the sentence I was writing that didn’t really belong there but I had to make it work with the storyline.

How do you make that happen? For me, it was to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Gather all the information that you could garner. Ask all the questions and, together, with my doctor team makes the best decisions for me and my family. That, in itself, isn’t easy.

I am a blue-eyed, strawberry blonde (when I was younger), freckled, porcelain beige skin tone girl. My colors are warm; oranges, corals, turquoise, blues, and red. Not pink or yellow. I’m not saying that I don’t own any pink or even wear it on occasion, but it’s not my “go-to” color.

When you tell people that you have breast cancer they automatically start giving you things that are pink – shirts, plaques, jewelry, ribbons, etc., etc.

Everything pink. **Rolling my eyes**

Just a word of advice, when you are going through any type of cancer treatment the last thing you want is a reminder of what you are fighting. After it‘s all said and done and you’ve fought a great fight, then wear your colors with pride. Even then, some people may not want to be reminded constantly that any day you might have to put on the boxing gloves of chemo again and go another bout.

Don’t get me wrong, before all of this I walked in honor of those who have fought and won and those who fought and lost. I raised funds so that research can continue. I know that what others did 20 or 30 years ago has helped to make the advancements that we have today so that I can fight a good fight.

However, I don’t want to do it cloaked in pink.

So before you give someone who is fighting breast, or any other type of cancer, the ribbon or anything else to boost their morale; think twice. Know that person well enough to give them something that fits their personality. If you don’t know them that well, then give them a neutral inspirational quote or you could send them a Healing Card set.

  • Put together a gift bag with items that may help them through chemo. Hey, or even better, request a Healing bag be sent to them. It's curated with all kinds of things that will help their journey be a little easier. It contains items and tidbits of information that were found helpful.

  • You can have dinner sent over for the person taking care of them.

  • Or send over a cleaning service or lawn maintenance company sent over. Most times, there is a caregiver who is picking up all the household chores, and in some cases, may not have ever done them before; or very few times. The last thing a woman needs is her whites tinted pink or blue by accident. By helping out the caregiver, you are helping out your friend who is fighting.

Check out our boutique for unique faith-inspired gifts to send to your loved one who is fighting his/her own battle right now.

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Lastly, fighting Cancer isn’t a one-time deal. It’s round after round until the bout is over. They may be fortunate and get a long break before the next one or not. Please continue to cheer them on. They need all the support they can get.