Reconnecting with Your Emotions: A Journey Back to Feeling

Reconnecting our emotions is a survival mechanism but it often comes with joy, connection, and intimacy with ourselves and others.

Jeniffer Ward

12/19/20241 min read

photo of white staircase
photo of white staircase

In moments of emotional numbness, I’ve found myself drifting, detached from the rich tapestry of feelings that make life meaningful. It’s a survival mechanism, perhaps—a way to shield ourselves from pain—but it often comes at the cost of joy, connection, and intimacy with ourselves and others.

To tune back into my emotions, I’ve had to practice intentional awareness, leaning into moments of stillness and prayer. Psalm 34:18 reminds us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” This verse has been an anchor for me, a reminder that God meets us in our emotional distance and gently draws us back to His love and truth.

A realistic way to reconnect with your feelings is by setting aside just five minutes each day to practice emotional check-ins. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and ask yourself: What am I feeling right now? Name the emotions, even if they’re hard to define. Then, take those feelings to God in prayer, offering gratitude for the good and seeking comfort for the challenging.

Another practical step is to rekindle connections with others. Often, emotional numbness isolates us, but reaching out to a trusted friend or loved one can help restore a sense of belonging. Galatians 6:2 encourages us to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Sharing our hearts, even when it feels vulnerable, brings healing and strengthens bonds.

Reconnecting with your emotions isn’t an overnight process—it’s a daily choice to embrace the messiness of being human. Through self-reflection, prayer, and community, we can rediscover the depth and beauty of life, hand in hand with God and those we love.