Support MoxieBCF

Moxie Breast Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)3 non profit corporation registered in Florida. We use our profits to send to those who have been diagnosed with all stages of breast cancer Healing Gifts or a Courage gift to remind then they are not alone and that others have been where they are now and want to help.

woman in pink shirts holding thumbs up
woman in pink shirts holding thumbs up
Butterflies are a universal symbol of transformation, resilience, and beauty—qualities that mirror the journey of those living with metastatic breast cancer. Moxie Breast Cancer Foundation’s Butterfly Gardens are more than just beautiful landscapes; they are powerful, living tributes to the courage and strength of individuals navigating life with this disease.

Chrysalis Level ~ Help individuals grow and find strength during their journey by funding support programs and resources. This level symbolizes the transformation process that metastatic breast cancer patients undergo. Sponsors will be acknowledged on event materials and through social media shoutouts.

Butterfly Wings Level ~ Empower individuals to thrive and spread their wings with enhanced resources and financial assistance. This level honors the beauty and strength of living fully despite adversity. Sponsors will receive prominent recognition on our website, event banners, and press releases.

Caterpillar Level Sponsorship ~ Begin the journey of transformation by supporting individuals as they adapt to their metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. This level provides vital resources and creates opportunities for hope to take root. Sponsors will be recognized on our website and in our quarterly newsletter.

Help our garden flourish with butterflies.

Garden Level ~ The Garden Level serves as the catalyst for change, propelling the transformation to new heights. Sponsors in this tier actively contribute to initiatives that elevate and accelerate the transformative journey. Their involvement signifies a pivotal role in driving positive change.

Transformation Champion ~ A leader in the way of transforming lives and spreading hope as a key supporter of Moxie Breast Cancer Foundation’s mission. This premier sponsorship level funds critical initiatives and celebrates the strength of our community. Sponsors will receive presenting sponsor recognition for major events, custom features, and opportunities to meet those directly impacted by their generosity.